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Craniosacral Biodynamics--supported distance learning via Hybrid Study.


This is a brand new way to study Craniosacral Biodynamics!  This hybrid training of video-based lessons (online and/or DVD) plus instructor led study groups maximizes your time and deepens learning.  Call 719-256-1111 to discuss details.  Each seminar is professionally filmed in live classes and is precisely instructed by Roger Gilchrist. 

The format for the BCST hybrid study follows the course description on the Craniosacral Therapy page providing the same ten seminars as they were recorded in class.  Each seminar tuition is $595.00; supervised practice groups and online supervision incur additional fees.

Craniosacral Biodynamics Hybrid Professional Training by Wellness Institute, Features:

  • All lessons taught by Roger Gilchrist, MA, RCST®, in video format, filmed live in in-person classes by professional videographers.
  • Tutor Supervised Practice Groups scheduled monthly, include short lessons and review, plus practice exchanges supervised by BCTA approved teacher.
  • Online (Zoom) group supervision, scheduled quarterly (one per class module) with Roger Gilchrist. This is similar to the discussion times in class, providing Q/A in which students can learn from each other’s inquiries and experiences, and professional supervision responses to guide ongoing practices.
  • Individual supervision sessions, PRN, with Roger Gilchrist, and with other BCTA approved teachers.
  • Final in-person seminar with Roger Gilchrist, including hands-on test out and feedback. 

Historic Background:  The BCST Hybrid Training was begun during the height of the Covid-era.  Because teachers could not hold public group gatherings and students could not attend in-person classes, this was an alternative way to study BCST offered to a small number of highly motivated students.

Competence:  As the training director, I expect essentially the same level of practitioner competence from students completing hybrid professional training as I do from students who do their entire training in regular in-person classes. 

Accountability:  As an experienced educator in several fields in ‘complementary and alternative health care,’ I take my responsibility as a professional educator seriously.  Originally I was skeptical of distance learning trainings and hybrid study opportunities.  Over 20 years they have proved their validity to me. 

Results:  My experience as an educator leading distance learning programs in a different field has been so positive, it was natural to try it out for BCST during the “suspended time” when there was a moratorium on teaching and learning in-person.  In many cases, students actually learn material better and more deeply because of the opportunity to review lessons, more than they would do in in-person classes.  With the addition of tutor supervised practices and professionally rendered supervision, these students are getting a lot! 

Disclosure:  At this time, we cannot guarantee that the Craniosacral Biodynamics Hybrid Training creates eligibility for the RCST credential.  However, the same classroom instruction is provided in this alternative format as you would receive in the classroom setting.  For motivated students with experience in the bodywork arts, the hybrid training for BCST can give you the skills and understanding necessary to include Craniosacral Biodynamics in your existing practice. 

If you are interested in studying the philosophy, art and techniques, anatomy, and principles of Craniosacral Biodynamics, we’d like to welcome you to this new opportunity for studying Craniosacral Biodynamics.  Call us with any question you might have about BCST:   719-256-1111.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is the leading edge of CST practice!

Wellness Institute emphasizes a functional approach within a Biodynamic context.  You will gain new skills that can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your practice.

Another advantage to the Wellness Institute training is our emphasis on how BCST is part of the larger field of energy medicine.  Our graduates include medical doctors, psychologists, nurses, massage therapists and other bodyworkers.

See the complete course description and training outline on the Craniosacral Therapy page of the site.

Lead Instructor: Roger Gilchrist has taught Craniosacral Biodynamics in the USA, Australia, and Europe.  He assisted Franklyn Sills in a foundation training for four years and continues to assist with advanced seminars.  This time-proven curriculum helps students learn effectively and integrate new skills.

Faculty in New York City:  Stephanie Rogers, RCST along with Roger Gilchrist, MA, RCST.  Faculty in Washington, DC:  James Foulkes, Mary Maruca, Mike Duggan, all RCSTs, along with Roger Gilchrist.

This is a complete professional training that takes place over two years.  Commitment to the entire is course is required to continue with seminars after level 1. This first level seminar may be taken as a stand-alone introduction to Craniosacral Biodynamics.

You must call the school to receive the Application Forms for this professional training program.  719-256-1111

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